Java mac download jdk
Java mac download jdk

java mac download jdk

When working with and installing Java, you may see references to JRE and JDK and wonder what these are. In the example above, it would be You should get a response showing the same version as the java version you just installed. You will see a command not found message or something similar if it is not installed. If you already have it installed, it will come back with the current version on your machine.

java mac download jdk

You can check if you currently have Java installed with the following command. You could proceed with the new install if there is a more recent version and you wish to upgrade. If there is another version, you may want to take note of the version. There’s a chance it could have already been installed by another application. Before starting the installation, I first recommend checking to see if you already have a version of Java on your Mac. Once you install Homebrew, you are now ready to install Java. You can take a look here for more information on installing Homebrew. Once it starts, it will walk you through the installation, and you will only need to answer a few simple questions. You can install it using the following command.

java mac download jdk

If it says something like command not found, you do not have it installed and will need to install it. It will give you a response showing the version if you already have it installed.

Java mac download jdk